Read all the latest news from Yorkshire and the Humber Maths Hub below:
Mastery Myth Busting
When we think about 'teaching for mastery' what questions and thoughts spring to mind? Here we look at some common misconceptions around what mastery is and what it is not.
New Funding for Core Maths
For some classroom teachers, the phrase 'when will we ever use this in real life?' uttered from students can be quite deflating. For others, it's an opportunity to relate maths to the wider world. With new funding for the Core Maths Programme, this could provide us all with a helpful solution.
I Can't Do Maths!
In this NCETM podcast episode, Professor Alf Coles and Professor Nathalie Sinclair talk about their book, I Can’t Do Maths! Why children say it and how to make a difference.
Is there a place for games in the maths classroom?
In this discussion shared by the NCETM, Dr Ems Lord and Liz Woodham from NRICH and Grace Coker from the EEF explore the many benefits of using maths games in both primary and secondary classrooms.
Maths Hub Programme Annual Report Published
Maths Hubs has published a new report summarising the work of Maths Hubs during the academic year 2022/23.
How Does Using Precise Maths Vocabulary Help Students?
Victoria Moore, primary maths lead and Year 5 teacher, Usworth Colliery Primary School, teaches in an area of high social and economic deprivation. In this podcast she explains how a mastery approach to teaching precise mathematical vocabulary is giving pupils in her school a voice.
Hear from a headteacher: top reasons to work with a Maths Hub
There are many benefits of getting involved in the work of your local Maths Hub as a participating school, but there can also be an impact of having some of your staff become Local Leaders of Maths Education (LLME).
Why do we need to be thinking about Multiplicative Thinking from Key Stage 1?
This new 90-second video, created by the NCETM, explains why embedding multiplicative thinking in KS1 is so important for maths in KS2 and beyond: