England’s TIMSS maths scores at Year 5 and Year 9 are a cause for celebration

The TIMSS 2023 report confirms England's continued strength in mathematics, with pupils in Year 5 and Year 9 performing significantly above the international average.

At Year 5, the gains from 2019 have been maintained and at Year 9 there is a notable increase. This is fantastic news, and contrasts with many other countries, including Singapore (which consistently scores at the highest level in international comparisons) and the United States, as Figure 1 shows (click/tap to enlarge). In 2023 England’s TIMSS score for 13-14 year olds increased from 515 to 525, whilst the U.S. 13-14 year olds TIMSS score fell from 515 (the same as England in 2019) to 488. 

Figure 1: TIMSS scores in the US, England and Singapore (Source: TIMSS 2023)

Over on the NCETM website, NCETM Director Charlie Stripp and NCETM Director for Evaluation and Impact Jen Sheerman, delve even deeper into the report and reflect on how student attainment in maths has weathered the COVID storm. Discover more here.

About TIMSS 2023

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) takes place every four years to provide participating countries with internationally comparable data on the performance and attitudes of 9 to 10 year olds (year 5 in England) and 13 to 14 year olds (Year 9 in England) in mathematics and science, together with comparisons of the curriculum and the teaching of these subjects in primary and secondary schools. In 2023 66 countries took part in TIMSS.

The 2024 report focuses on each country’s attainment internationally and compared to previous years. A report to be published in 2025 will report on students' attitudes, students’ perceptions of teaching, teachers’ education, experience and job satisfaction, headteachers’ and teachers’ views on school discipline and students’ reports on their home environment and resources.


How to put the Ofsted maths report into practice