How to put the Ofsted maths report into practice

The Ofsted report Coordinating mathematical success: the mathematics subject report was published in July 2023. It contains recommendations for primary and secondary schools to develop effective maths teaching and curriculum. But at 50 pages, it’s possible not everyone who teaches maths has yet had time to read it all and take in the findings, discussions and suggestions.

To help busy teachers and school leaders make the most of the Ofsted maths report, the NCETM are producing a series of helpful guides that take the recommendations and show you ways to apply them in your school. These downloadable PDFs pick out what the report says schools should do, and reference the sections that include each of the recommendations, so you can go away and learn more. The guides also point to the fully-funded professional development available from the NCETM and Maths Hubs that the report recommends teachers take part in, and tell you about schools who are already putting the CPD into practice.

Four guides are currently available, and more will be published throughout the year:

You can find out more and download the guides over on the NCETM page.

If you are ready to enroll on a YH Maths Hub programme, you can find out what's on offer and express an interest here.


England’s TIMSS maths scores at Year 5 and Year 9 are a cause for celebration


The Maths Hub Annual Report for 2023-24 is here!