Shanghai Open Classroom events a huge success
The Yorkshire & the Humber Maths Hub hosted a series of Shanghai Open Classroom events during March of this year, and were a huge success.
During March, lots of students, Mastery Specialists and delegates across primary and secondary got involved in a series of Shanghai events to explore the 5 big ideas, share their experiences from Shanghai and observe a Shanghai style lesson!
The feedback we have received from delegates included:
“A very well planned and executed event as ever from Yorkshire & the Humber planned and executed in collaboration with Yorkshire Ridings and South Yorkshire. Highly enjoyable, very professional and full of impact.”
“The Shanghai events were well planned and organised. It was a great opportunity to observe a lesson, experience the style of teaching and expectations in Shanghai. There were lots of handouts, resources and handouts shared which I can share with my department. I now have a greater understanding of the use of questioning to broaden and deepen understanding and plan to develop my own planning of lessons particularly at Key Stage 3”
“The Shanghai Open Classroom gave me a great insight into the teaching in Shanghai and Teaching for Mastery, I now have a greater depth of understanding of teaching in Shanghai. I will now have a greater focus on “questioning, the depth of a topic and making connections”. My lesson planning will improve as I will spend more time planning questions and specifically focussing on mathematical language!”
“From the Shanghai events I will now take small steps in my planning and teaching ensuring one concept in each lesson is explored. Seeing multiple students provide their methods on the board allowed misconceptions to be explored - this is something I intend to use in my own practice. I will share the experiences of the event with my department and will implement the good practice observed”.
“It’s always such an inspiration and privilege for us to attend these events, and I’m really pleased that the teachers who went to Shanghai have come back so fired up and wanting to share their stories with others, even in the absence of their Chinese counterparts.”
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in these events!