Read all the latest news from Yorkshire and the Humber Maths Hub below:
Schools Prize in the History of Mathematics
Have you got students in your school who are curious about the history of mathematics? Are you considering an activity to share with your students in an enrichment session?
Recruitment is open for September 2023
Maths Hubs serve all state-funded schools in England and are the main provider of fully-funded maths-specific school and professional development nationally. For any school or institution seeking to focus on maths, from Early Years to post-16, there is a Maths Hubs opportunity available. Recruitment is now open for CPD starting from September 2023.
The Maths Hub Programme is Expanding
It was announced on 17th April that the Maths Hubs Programme will expand its support for schools and colleges across England.
Have you thought about how to embed multiplicative thinking across the primary maths curriculum?
Ask any adult what children might be learning when they study multiplication in primary school, and they will probably mention times tables.
Ideas for Collaborative Planning in Secondary Maths Teaching
As a maths department, you probably meet regularly, talk often about your planning, and chat over coffee about how lessons have gone. But are you really collaborating?
Is Maths the only universal language?
Some may argue that because mathematics is the same all over the world, maths can act as a universal language. A phrase or formula has the same meaning, regardless of another language that accompanies it. In this way, math helps people learn and communicate, even if other communication barriers exist.
Ever wondered if joining a Maths Hub programme is worth it?
Have you ever wondered what Maths Hub really does? Does it really impact? Well...this month the Maths Hub Annual Report 2021/22 has been published.