Ofsted Review of Maths Teaching Published

A new subject report into maths teaching, 'Coordinating mathematical success', has been published by Ofsted this week. The full review identifies a range of points, including:

  • Schools can benefit from adopting a consistent approach to designing and implementing the curriculum, with an emphasis on content and ‘small steps’ sequencing

  • Pupils need to learn strategies to solve different types of problems, and teaching should be planned to allow them to develop a range of strategies over time so that they are able to select an effective and appropriate strategy

  • Teachers, including non-specialists, should receive the necessary professional development, including subject knowledge and subject-specific pedagogical knowledge, to teach maths effectively

  • Schools and teachers should focus on securing learning, only moving on to the next conceptual step when pupils are ready, whilst also not limiting access to further mathematical content based upon external assessment criteria.

Read the full review here:

Over on the NCETM website, NCETM Director, Charlie Stripp comments on recommendations. Here is a short video summarising the key findings:

Lauren Orange