NCP20-24 Specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics for NQTs/RQTs/new to mastery Wakefield/Kirklees
The purpose of the programmes in this project is to support primary teachers in developing specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, thus enabling them to understand, teach and support pupils in the maths classroom.
Who is this for?
This programmes is designed for teachers who would like to further develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths. They will be particularly relevant for NQTs/RQTs, teachers that have moved phases or teachers that have not received maths-specific training.
Participants and their schools must be able to commit to the full academic year’s programme. This is likely to involve some face-to-face activity, if possible later in the academic year, alongside online collaboration.
During the programme, participants will be asked to undertake tasks with learners to deepen their thinking about the learning of maths, and to share this with colleagues. It is asked that school leaders support their staff to complete this work.
Intended Outcomes
Participants and their schools will:
enhance their maths subject knowledge with an emphasis on the key structures in each mathematical area covered
understand the key elements that form number sense, forms of addition and subtraction, forms of multiplication and division, and forms of fractions, including precise language, structures and representations
review their practice as a result of the sessions and make specific adaptations to impact on pupil outcomes.
The programme is based on four core primary sessions based on the modules:
Number sense
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
What is the cost?
The SKTM – Primary programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.