Primary Mastery Readiness Work Group 2024-25
Continuing throughout 2024/25, Maths Hubs will be running primary mathematics Mastery Readiness Work Groups led by Mastery Readiness Leads.
Lots of schools are ready to start their mastery journey, and some would benefit from initial support before becoming part of the full programme. Our diagram shows a school's journey towards mastery. Use it to determine where your school's journey starts (click/tap diagram to show a larger version with more detail of the journey).
Completing the Mastery Readiness Programme usually takes a year. After this, schools are prioritised for a place on the high-profile Teaching for Mastery Programme with their Maths Hub. As part of this programme, they benefit from two further years of support.
Since 2014, the NCETM and Maths Hubs have been working together to develop approaches to teaching for mastery within primary mathematics. This has been partly informed by the teaching of mathematics in high performing South East Asian jurisdictions. Beginning last year, the NCETM and Maths Hubs have recruited schools to participate in a Mastery Readiness programme and these schools will continue to work in Teaching for Mastery Work Groups for at least three further years as they develop Teaching for Mastery in their schools.
The Mastery Readiness Work Groups
Each Work Group will be led by one of the Maths Hub’s Mastery Readiness Leads and involve up to eight primary schools. During the year, they will work closely together to develop subject and pedagogical knowledge as well as supporting teaching, learning and leadership of mathematics across the school by looking at 5 Big Ideas of Mastery Readiness to lay the foundations to developing teaching for mastery in an effective and sustainable manner. The Work Group activity will include:
Each school identifying two teachers to lead developments within their school, one of which should be the maths lead
The two teachers working together with the Mastery Readiness Lead and teachers from the other Work Group schools in regular workshops. It is vital that the headteacher attends at least the first workshop with their staff.
Each school receiving regular supports visit from the Mastery Readiness Lead to support the participants and leaders to develop and work on an action plan for the school
The headteacher working with the Mastery Readiness Lead and other Maths Hubs leadership to develop whole school policies and structures to support teaching for mastery
The lead teachers, supported by the headteacher, working with colleagues to lay foundations for developing teaching for mastery approaches in the classroom, supported by collaborative professional development activity
Following the first phase, the schools are expected to then continue being part of a Teaching for Mastery Work Group led by a Mastery Specialist. Beyond that year, there will be opportunities to continue embedding and sustaining a teaching for mastery approach with the support of a specialist and other schools.
Benefits for participating schools
Participating in the Work Group will provide the following benefits to participant schools:
High quality support for the school, including teacher professional development for the lead teachers, facilitated by the Mastery Readiness Lead
Support for the headteacher in addressing leadership issues related to improving the teaching, learning and leadership of mathematics from the Mastery Readiness Lead and the Maths Hub’s leadership
Opportunity to work closely with other schools also at a Mastery Readiness stage
No charge for participation or for school improvement support and regular professional development.
Who can apply?
Mastery Readiness is designed for schools who are not yet in a position to develop teaching for mastery but want to in the future. The Work Groups are intended for schools in the following circumstances:
At least one of the following
Has been judged at RI or Inadequate for at least their most recent OFSTED inspection
Has low progress or attainment data for mathematics across the school
Has been identified, by their Local Authority, as being suitable for the programme
Is in an area of low social mobility such as Opportunity Areas, Category 5/6 areas
Identified as needing additional support for leadership of mathematics
Has a high turnover of staff, meaning that the implementation of sustained change can be difficult.
Another identifiable reason for being unable to engage in developing teaching for mastery yet.
Expectations of participating schools
Schools chosen to participate in the Work Group commit to the following expectations:
The lead teachers will participate in half termly workshops with the Mastery Readiness Lead, and complete gap tasks
The lead teachers will be released to work with Mastery Readiness Lead for half-day school visits
The headteacher will meet with the Mastery Readiness Lead regularly during the bespoke school visits
The school will have a vision for implementing teaching for mastery approaches across the school and will actively work on an action plan in order for the school to be ‘Mastery Ready’ by the end of 2024/25. This could include introducing or developing collaborative, in-school professional development models to support all teachers and teaching assistants
The school will provide any reports required by the Maths Hub and participate in any evaluation processes required
The school will continue to work with other schools in the Teaching for Mastery Work Group for the year 2025/26 and beyond.
There is no charge for participation in this programme. However, schools must ensure that staff are released to engage in the workshops and school visits, and that the headteacher attends events where appropriate.
How to apply
Schools interested in applying to be part of a Mastery Readiness Work Group should complete the application form below and submit to their Maths Hub. Details of your local hub can be found by using an online tool, which can be access by clicking here.
Early applications are encouraged.
There is the opportunity to engage in the programme with other schools that you already work with, for example as part of an Academy Trust or local cluster of schools. Each school must still make an individual application, but you can indicate on the application form the schools you would like to be placed with.
Once the school has applied, the Maths Hub will then make contact with you to explain next steps.