Mastering Number (Embedding the Impact) Community
Project Code: NCP24-07b
Ensuring that all pupils develop fluency with additive facts involves a significant commitment in terms of the development of school systems, teachers’ professional knowledge, effective teaching strategies, and the use of effective materials. This community offers schools that have previously engaged in Mastering Number at Reception and KS1 continued support to embed the programme in their school. It also supports Year 3 teachers to build on pupils’ prior learning by using centrally produced teaching materials to secure pupils’ fluency.
Maths leads in schools involved in the project will receive support to embed Mastering Number as a permanent element of their school's curriculum. They will collaborate with other maths leads in an online community and attend sessions offered by the Maths Hub. Maths leads will attend two central, online sessions, one in each of the autumn and spring terms; these will have a particular focus on how to support Year 3 teachers to use the teaching materials provided for pupils in KS2.
Who can take part?
This community is open to all 2023/24 Mastering Number at Reception and KS1 schools and Mastering Number at Reception and KS1 schools from previous cohorts that have not yet participated in this community. All participating schools need to be engaged in a 2024/25 Teaching for Mastery Work Group (or have a formal EOI in working with the hub on teaching for mastery in future years).
What will you learn?
Participants will:
work with colleagues either in school or in a local school to talk together to better understand the resources to enhance teaching
develop skills in working in a professional learning community, reflecting with other colleagues on their own practice, and refining skills through support and challenge within a community
develop a secure understanding of how to build firm mathematical foundations with a stronger subject and pedagogical understanding for EYFS and KS1
secure an understanding of the mathematical expectations of the new Early Years Framework and the meaning of the Early Learning Goals.
What is the cost?
This project is fully funded to access by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools to join.
The button below is to register your expression of interest, you will then receive an email from us requesting confirmation of your participation in this programme. Please note, your place will not be secured until you have provided confirmation of attendance.